`# Paper reviews
Title: A survey on internet of vehicles: Applications, security issues & solutions
Authors: Surbhi Sharma, Baijnath Kaushik
Institution: Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, India
IoV (Internet of Vehicles) 的几个特性:
- Dynamic topological structures
- Huge network scale
- Reliable internet connection
- Compatibility with personal devices
- High processing capability
相关研究的 topics 包括:
- Security requirements
- Security challenges
- Security attacks
本文着重讨论与 IoV 相关的应用,包括 IoV 与 VANETs 的比较。并提出一个轻量级认证方案 (lightweight authentication protocol) for RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification devices)。
1. Introduction
VANETs assists the drivers about real-time traffic by transmitting warning and information message as well as by generating alerts for hazards.
Two kinds of communication are possible in VANETs-vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to road-side units (V2R).
Main aim:
- Provide traffic safety and efficiency
- Recude time, cost and pollutant emission
- Unreliable internet service
- Incompatibility with personal devices
- Less commercialization
- Limited processing capability
- Singleton network architecture
- Unavailability of cloud computing services
Technologies used in IoT:
- Real-time localization
- Short-range wireless communications
- Sensor networks
- Smart transport, smart industry, smart energy, smart home, smart health ... 1
Inter-vehicular communication, intra vehicular communication, and vehicular mobile Internet are the three main communication components of IoV2.
Five types:
- Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
- Vehicle-to-Roadside Units (V2R)
- Vehicle-to-Personal devices (V2P)
- Vehicle-to-Sensors (V2S)
- Vehicle-to-Infrastructure of cellular networks (V2I)
Three kinds of wireless technologies:
- Vehicular communications (DSRC/CALM)
- Cellular mobile communication (4G/LTE, WiMax and Satellite)
- Short-range static communication (Zigbee, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi)
Four layers:
- Environment sensing and control layer
- Application layer
- Network access and transport layer
- Coordinative computing control layer
... but there are still various challenges that exist in VANETs which is not desirable in modern transportation systems. VANETs lacks the infotainment features like online vedio streaming, gaming, etc. which may hamper the driving experience and thus it have commercialization issues 3.
2. Comparison of IoV and VANETs
IoV is considered as a superset of VANETs.
- Goal, IoV 的目标更广,关注的问题更多
- Communication types, VANETs 中只有 V2I 和 V2V 两种
- Compatibility, IoV 可以连接个人设备 (personal devices)
- Range of usage, global vs local
- Processing competence
- Market attention, IoV 更受欢迎4
- Specification of network, collaboration (more flexibility) vs singleton network
- Internet facility
- Data size, global data vs limited data
- Network connectivity
- Decision making
- Utility of application
- Cognizance of network
- Cloud computing
- Self-reliant cloud
注: 这里提到 IoV 可以提供娱乐功能,这一点在 VANETs 中是没有的。
3. Applications in VANETs and IoV
- Safety-related applications
- Comfort and infotainment
- Traffic efficiency and management
- Health-care applications
3-1. Safety-related applications
Safety application is designed with the intention to act proactively and to provide the driver with beforehand warning, and thus, eventually avoiding the mishap from occurring in any case.
- Intersection collision avoidance
- Public safety related applications
- Sign extension
- Vehicle diagnostics and maintenance
- Information from other vehicles
- RSU 可以起到主动提醒的作用,比如红绿灯信息原本是由司机“被动”看到的,但 RSU 可以通过主动广播发送信息来提醒附近车辆。
- 急救车可以通过发送信息来获得没有拥堵的道路
3-2 Comfort and infotainment applications
- Peer to peer file-sharing applications
- Intelligent parking navigation system
- Internet service provisioning
- Car pooling
3-3 Traffic efficiency and management
- Intersection management
- Road congestion management
- Electronic toll collection
- Digital map downloading
3-4 Health-care applications
Personal Health Information (PHI) of a patient like blood pressure, pulserate, and body temperature, etc. are provided by body sensors while environmental conditions around the patient are provided by ambient sensors.
e.g. VehiHealth 8
4. Security aspect of VANETs and IoV
Security if one of the challenging issues in IoV and VANETs because if a vehicle is controlled by a hacker with the ulterior intention, it will result in traffic accidents.
4-1 Security requirements in VANETs and IoV
- Authentication
- Confidentiality
- Availability
- Data integrity
- Non-repudiation
- Access control
- Privacy
- Data verification
- Real-time guarantees
- Anti-Jamming
- Impersonation
- Forgery
- Liability identification
- Scalability
4-2 Security challenges in VANETs and IoV
- Low errors tolerance
- Key management Key Revocation
- High mobility
- Paradox between seruciry and privacy
- Cloud stability, security, and privacy
Key Revocation
传统的撤销方式是使用 certification revocation lists (CRLs),这个方法在 VANETs 中不可行。最主要的原因就是处理撤销的时间会随着列表的长度线性增加。
5. Security attacks and threats in IoV and VANETs
- Sybil attack
- Denial of Service (DoS) attack
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack
- Black Hole attack
- Grey Hole attack
- Worm Hole attack
- Sink Hole attack
- Bogus Information attack
- Node Impersonation attack
- Man in the Middle attack
- Replay attack
- Spamming attack
- Illusion attack
- Snooping attack
- Masquerading attack
- ID Disclosure attack
- Message tampering attack
- Brute force attack
- Social attack
- Timing attack
- Home attack
- Repudiation attack
- Session hijacking attack
- Key and/or certificate revocation attack
6. Security solutions for attacks in IoV
6-1 Security Solutions to Sybil Attack
Obfuscated neighbor relationship of roadside unites (DMON) 9 使用环签名的方法来对证书进行签名并作为短期的身份凭证,并利用相邻节点的关系来检测恶意节点:
- Advantages: has a higher detection rate and lower computational overhead
- Disadvantages: has information synchronization of all RSUs in signature verification
Event-based reputation system (EBRS) 10 基于 unique reputation
- Advantages: preserves the privacy, ensures the integrity of the message
Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) 11
- Advantages: using voiceprint
- Disadvantages: power control is still a complicated problem
Spider-Monkey Technique 12 : bosst the synchronization of packet delivery time
- Advantages: measurement precision, intrusion detection rate and energy efficiency
- Disadvantages: Simulator's name and node density are not mentioned
Privacy Preserving Detection of Abuses of Pseudonyms (P2DAP) 13
- Advantages: distributes the computation overload from DMV to RSB thus the simulation result detect sybil nodes at low overhead and delay
- Disadvantages: node density not mentioned
上面大部分使用的 simulator 是 NS-2
6-2 Security sollutions to DoS attack
Enhanced Attacked Packet Detection Algorithm (EAPDA) 14, each RSU is verified with EAPDA algorithm, malicious nodes will be detected if RSUs observe unusual vehavior of transferring more packets than normal behavior.
- Advantages: avoids the delay as it performs early detection of malicious nodes, boosts the false positive rate
Privacy-preserving mutual authentication framework with denial-of-service attack resistance (MADAR) 15, relies on two authentications: vehicle-roadside authentication and vehicle-vehicle authentications.
..., each vehicle needs to register itself to a regional trusted authority (RTA) to get a set of RSU IDs.
It is based on the existing combination of identity-based signature (IBS) schemes and ID-based online/offline signature (IBOOS) scheme to increase efficiency.
- Advantage: Security objectives are attained with moderate computation and communication overheads.
Two-phase signature-based authentication scheme 16, phase-1 is entity authentication which is designed to mitigate the outsider attackers by using HMAC, phase-2 is the detection of inside attackers and is performed once the communication entity assumed to be authentic in the first phase while message authentication fails at the receiver side.
- Advantages: experimental results show that it performs better
- Disadvantages: proposed system cannot detect attackers if the system is flooded with bogus information and valid signatures
P-secure approach 17, in the first phase, required information of vehicles is retrieved like vehicles location, speed, number of sent packets, etc. and threshold values are set manually for each parameter and if received information exceeds the threshold value then it is assumed that malicious vehicle is involved which in turn leads to the possibility of an attack.
Phase 2 of P-secure approach is to address the new requests from the vehicles that want to join the network.
- Advantages: Results outperforms the other existing methods
Puzzle-based co-authenticaton (PCA) scheme 18, i.e., design hash puzzles against DoS attacks as well as to speed up certificates authentication by co-authentication based on mutual trust cluster.
- Advantages: improves the real-time ability and practicality of distributed pseudo certificate authentication schemes
- Disadvantages: function of the puzzle may be affected as generated hash puzzle values are not concentrated in the same given time distributed pseudo certificate authentication
6-3 Security solutions to DDoS attack
Cellular automata-based improved ant-colony based optimization algorithm (CA-IACOA) 19 , adopts dynamic nature by relying on pheromone adaptive adjustment strategy which is based on negative feedback concepts for achieving an optimal solution.
- Advantages: efficiency is greatly increased due to global search dimension and pheromone adaptive adjustment strategy
20 aims to diferentiate between legitimate user and malicious attacker based on the comparison of the communication time period.
- Advantages: has minimumoverhead on the network
A novel approach 21 employed local protection nodes (LPN) to detect DDoS attacks.
- Advantages: is simple and efficient
- Disadvantages: is not compared with any other existing method
Group controlled analysis model 22 focusses on group formation based on parameters like node speed, direction, and load limit and after this, the group leader is identified to control the entire communication.
- Advantages: group specific restricted region analysis helps in identifying the attacker easily
23 aims to detect the routing misbehavior of an attacker against traffic congestion.
- Advantages: Performance is improved by the proposed scheme in the presence of attack
24 analyzed synchronization based DDoS attacks and proposed different techniques to deal with it. The focus is to randomize the schedule of periodic broadcasts in order to prevent the random time guessing by attackers.
- Advantages: are supported by mathematical analysis as well as simulation results
- Disadvantages: results are not compared with other existing methods
Roadside management traffic unit (RTMU) 25, all nodes keep on sharing their location with RTMU as well as all nodes can communicate with each other through RTMU.
- Advantages: simple and efficient
- Disadvantages: results not compared with other approaches
Location-based technique (LICBM) 26, is based on determining the frequency of message sent by the source node.
- Advantages: proposed approach has many advantages over more sophisticated statistical instruments
6-4 Security solutions to Black-Hole attack
6-5 Security solutions to Gray Hole attack
6-6 Security solutions to Worm Hole attack
6-7 Security solutions to Sink Hole attack
6-8 Security solutions to Node Impersonation attack
6-9 Security solutions to Man-in-the-middle attack
6-10 Security solutions to GPS spoofing
6-11 Security solutions to Masquerading attack
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