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Paper reviews

1. AHL,2019

Title: Authentication and privacy schemes for vehicular ad hoc networks(VANETs): A survey

Section 2

The authentication process comprises two major phases (i.e. signing and verifying).


Therefore in VANETs, source and message authenticaion is believed to be the most vital security requirement.


The TA can trace and reveal the real identity of the malicious entity (vehicle or RSU) and has the ability to extract the real identity from the entity's pseudoidentity when there is


The other security requirements i.e. non-repudiation, traceability, etc. depend on successful authentication and privacy which are very necessary for the practicality of VANETs.

1-1. Existing Surveys

Literature Key words
K091 location privacy
WTM092 classification based on communication requirements
KAE113 main ITS projects and programs
RAF114 asymmetric key, symmetric key, infrastructure requirement
SDBZ145 overview on wireless access technologies, simlulation tools
MBH146 privacy and security issues
VSSS147 a broad appraisal of security and authentication schemes
KB178 an overview on VANETs
QWWC179 general secure process, authentication methods
PSFK1510 abstract pseudonym life-cycle
LDTM1611 vital viewpoint of VANETs applications, attack types
BSM1812 pseudonm changing strategies

1-2. Classification

Section 4

These schemes employ modern cryptography mechanisms, such as PKC, ID_PKC and certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC).


We classify these schemes according to the mechanisms used such as pseudonymous based authentication and privacy schemes (PAPS), group signature based authentication and privacy schemes (GAPS), ID-PKC based authentication and privacy shemes (IAPS), and hybrid anonymous based authentication and privacy scheme (HAPS).

1-3. PAPs

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  6. M. N. Mejri, J. Ben-Othman, and M. Hamdi, “Survey on VANET security challenges and possible cryptographic solutions,” Vehicular Communications, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 53–66, 2014. 

  7. V. Vijayalakshmi, M. Sathya, S. Saranya, and C. Selvaroopini, “Survey on various mechanisms for secure and efficient VANET communication,” in International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES2014), 2014, pp. 1–5. 

  8. A. Kumar and M. Bansal, “A review on VANET security attacks and their countermeasure,” in 2017 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC), 2017, pp. 580–585. 

  9. F. Qu, Z. Wu, F.-Y. Wang, and W. Cho, “A security and privacy review of VANETs,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 2985–2996, 2015. 

  10. J. Petit, F. Schaub, M. Feiri, and F. Kargl, “Pseudonym schemes in vehicular networks: A survey,” IEEE communications surveys & tutorials, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 228–255, 2015. 

  11. A. Luckshetty, S. Dontal, S. Tangade, and S. S. Manvi, “A survey: comparative study of applications, attacks, security and privacy in VANETs,” in 2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2016, pp. 1594–1598. 

  12. A. Boualouache, S.-M. Senouci, and S. Moussaoui, “A survey on pseudonym changing strategies for vehicular ad-hoc networks,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 770–790, 2018.