Paper reviews
1. JJL,2018
Title: An anonymous communication scheme based on ring signature in VANETs
Jiang, Yichen, Yi Ji, and Tianhua Liu. "An anonymous communication scheme based on ring signature in VANETs." arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.1639 (2014).
关注的问题: unauthorized participation attack
We consider there is a serious security problem in Xiong's scheme because it is vulnerable to the unauthorized participation attack. an ilegal user may compute key pairs by himself without the authentication of the Member Manager, and the other users cannot know if the public key is coming from a legitimate user.
- 公钥的可验证性
- 匿名与可审计的平衡
- Sybil攻击
提出的方法: 将 无证书的环签名 应用到 VANETs 中。
无证书代表着签名长度会变短,使用环签名代表着去中心化。其实还是使用 Id-based 的方式来实现无证书。
可不可以直接使用前人的 traceable ring signature 的方案,应用到车辆自组网中?我们还需要考虑环签名的这样几个问题:
- 环签名在验证的时候需要使用一串公钥,这样是否会增加通信的压力?有没有什么办法减少?
- 撤销的过程中,往往使用撤销列表(RL),有没有更好的办法?
2. MHW,2018
Mi, Bo, Darong Huang, and Shaohua Wan. "NTRU implementation of efficient privacy-preserving location-based querying in VANET." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018 (2018).
这篇文章的重点是保护车辆的位置信息,使用的是抗量子计算机的密码学 (NTRU)。可以参考知乎上,有对于 NTRU 的一些介绍。
使用的方法:不经意的传输 (oblivious transfer)
a postquantum secure oblivious transfer protocol is devised based on efficient NTRU cryptosystem, which then serves as the understructure of a couplete location-based querying scheme in ad hoc manner.
证明的方式: UC
3. HCPA-GKA, 2018
Cui, Jie, et al. "HCPA-GKA: A hash function-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication and group-key agreement scheme for VANETs." Vehicular communications 14 (2018): 15-25.
具体的思路:车辆首先发送登录信息给 RSU,RSU 再把此信息传达给 TA,由 TA 来验证车辆是否合法,如果通过,车辆可以与其它车辆或 RSU 发起通信。