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PrivacyGuard: Enforcing Privacy Data Usage with Blockchain and Attested Execution

1. Introduction

This contextual nature of privacy implies that privacy protection techniques need to address at least two aspects:

  1. what kind of information can be exposed to whom, under what conditions
  2. what is the "intended purpose" or "expected use" of this information

Related work focus on :

  • data access control
  • data anonymization

Only recently, there have been a few works that attempted to address the second aspect of privacy, i.e., data used only for the intended purposes.1


In PrivacyGuard, smart contracts are used to facilitate the transactions of private data utilization on the private data market, providing access control, tamper-resistent record of data utilization.

2. Overview

  • Confidentiality Protection on User Data
  • Verifiable User-controlled Fine-grained Data Access
  • Provable Legal Binding on User Data Usage

  1. Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data. In Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). IEEE, 2015.