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Review for XZY20

[XZY20] - InPPTD

InPPTD: An Lightweight Incentive-based Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery for Crowd Sensing Systems

(IEEE Internet of Things Journal)

"... we propose an incentive-based privacy-preserving truth discovery framework, named InPPTD."


privacy concerns:

  • worker's sensed data
  • worker's reliability (i.e., weight)

other issues:

  • workers may be lazy and selfish
  • workers may maliciously manipulate

two categories:

  • single-server scheme
  • two-server scheme

single-server scheme:

  • achieve the privacy preservation for worker's sensed data and weight
  • each worker has to perform costly operation
  • workers need to keep online

two-server scheme:

  • no costly operation for workers
  • cannot guarantee strong privacy protection

research gap:

The existing PPTD schemes, whether with a single server or two servers, have not yet considered the issue of incentives, ...

CRH1, optimized CRH2, TruthFinder3: do not consider participants' privacy

single-server scheme:

  • Miao et al.4, threshold Paillier cryptosystem
  • Zheng et al.5, lightweight homomorphic encryption, on-line, weight tamper
  • Xu et al.6, lightweight homomorphic encryption, on-line, weight tamper
  • Li et al.78, local differential privacy

two-server scheme:

  • Zheng et al.9, noise perturbation
  • Miao et al.10, L-PPTD
  • Tang et al.11, GC
  • Zheng et al.12


  • high efficiency
  • workers' failure resistance
  • data and weight privacy preservation
  • resistance to the modification attack from malicious workers
  • reduction of lazy workers

System Model


  • Service Provider (SP)
  • Cloud Provider (CP)
  • Workers

three phases:

  • Report Phase
  • Iteration Phase
  • Rewards Phase

Report Phase:

  • worker reports his perturbed sensed data to CP
  • random number is uploaded to SP

For SP: PK=(N,g), SK=(\lamda, \mu)

Iteration Phase:

  • CP computes the secure distance function, sens \prod_{k=1}^K C_k and C_k^{2^{a_k}} to SP
  • SP decrypts, and obtains w_k-a_k
  • SP sends E(w_k-a_k) and E(\sum_{k=1}^K(w_k-a_k)\cdot r_{m,k}) to CP
  • CP computes E(\sum_{k=1}^K w_kx_m,k) and E(\sum_{k=1}^K w_k), and sends to SP
  • SP decrypts, and computes ground truth t_m

For sensed data x_{m,k}, worker chooses two random numbers r_{m,k},r'_{m,k}:

\~{x_{m,k}} = x_{m,k} - r_{m,k}$$ $$\~{x_{m,k}^2} = x_{m,k}^2 - r'_{m,k}

to SP: random values to CP: perturbed data

For SP:

E(r_{m,k}) = g^{r_{m,k}} \cdot h^r$$ $$E(r'_{m,k}) = g^{r'_{m,k}} \cdot h^r'

to CP: encrypted random values

For CP:

E(x_{m,k}) = E(\~{x}_{m,k}) \cdot E(r_{m,k})$$ $$E(x^2_{m,k}) = E(\~{x}^2_{m,k}) \cdot \cdot E(r'_{m,k})

Secure Weight Estimation:

For CP:

computes the secure distance function E((x_{m,k} - t_m)^2)

E((x_{m,k} - t_m)^2) = E(x^2_{m,k}) \cdot E(t^2_m) \cdot E(x_{m,k})^{-2t_m}

aggregates the distance of objects and workers:

C_k = \prod_{m=1}^M E((x_{m,k} - t_m)^2)$$ $$C = \prod_{k=1}^K C_k

chooses a random number a_k, computes C'_{k} = (C_k)^{2^{a_k}}

to SP: C'_k and C


decrypts and computes w_k - a_k

Truth Estimation:

For SP:

computes E(\sum_{k=1}^K(w_k - a_k)\cdot r_{m,k})

to CP: E(w_k - a_k)

For CP:


E(\sum_{k=1}^K w_k) = \prod_{k=1}^K E(w_k - a_k)\cdot E(a_k)

and E(\sum_{k=1}^K w_kx_{m,k})

to SP: E(\sum_{k=1}^K w_kx_{m,k}), E(\sum_{k=1}^K w_k)

For SP:

t_m = \sum_{k=1}^K w_kx_{m,k} / \sum_{k=1}^K w_k

Rewards Phase:

  • each worker redeem his rewards from SP

For CP:

aggregates all random numbers S^i = \sum_{k=1}^K a_k

For SP:

computes the total weight W^i = \sum_{k=1}^K (w_k - a_k) + S^i

ps_{k}^i = \frac{w_k - a_k}{W^i} \cdot P^i

For CP:

pc_k^i = \frac{a_k}{W^i} \cdot P^i

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