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Review for XLX20

[XLX20] - V-PATD

Catch you if you deceive me: Verifiable and privacy-aware truth discovery in crowdsensing systems

(ASIA CCS'20, October 5-9, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan)

"The first verifiable and privacy-aware truth discovery protocol in crowdsensing systems."


Two fundamental problems in PPTD:

  • data privacy protection
  • verifiability of aggregated results

To address these challenges, we propose V-PATD, the first verifiable and privacy-aware truth discovery protocol in crowdsensing systems.

Two methods (high level):

  • perturb each user's sensory data independently
  • design a publicly verifiable approach to enable verifiability


Three generic entities:

  • users (mobile devices), honest-but-curious
  • a task requester
  • a cloud server, dishonest

Two potential security:

  • the server and certain users may violate the data privacy of honest users
  • the server may return incorrect aggregated results to the task requester

Security and privacy requirements:

  • protect the integrity of aggregated result
  • privacy protection of user's sensory data


  • x_n^m : the recorded sensory data of the n-th user for the m-th object
  • x_*^m : the aggregated result (i.e., ground truth)
  • f : monotonically decreasing function
  • d_{ist}(x_n^m, x_*^m) : distance function

Weight Update:

w_n=f(\sum_{m=1}^{\mathcal{M}}d_{ist}(x_n^m, x_*^m))

or specifically:

w_n=log(\frac{\sum_{n'=1}^{\mathcal{N}}\sum_{m=1}^\mathcal{M}d_{ist}(x_{n'}^m, x_*^m)}{\sum_{m=1}^{\mathcal{M}}d_{ist}(x_n^m, x_*^m)})


A particular user will have higher weight if the data provided by him is closer to the aggregated results.

Truth Update:

x_*^m=\frac{\sum_{n=1}^{\mathcal{N}}w_n\cdot x_n^m}{\sum_{n=1}^{\mathcal{N}}w_n}


A particular user's data will be counted more in the aggregation procedure if this user has a higher weight.

The proposed scheme


  1. perturbs its sensory data independently by adding noises
  2. signs its data


  1. executes the privacy-preserving truth discovery algorithm
  2. return the aggregated results along with corresponding proofs

task requester:

  • choose to accept or reject the results by only checking the proofs

Perturbation Mechanism:


where the noise \zeta_n^m is selected from N(0,\gamma_n^2)


adding larger noise helps provide a higher level of privacy protection, but bounds to impair the accuracy of the aggregated results.

all users select the variance independently from an exponential distribution with hyper parameter \eta_2

Verification Mechanism:

Server only need to compute the polynomials and the corresponding proofs, i.e.,

  • \sum_{n'=1}^{\mathcal{N}}\sum_{m=1}^{\mathcal{M}}d_{ist}(x_{n'}^m, x_*^m)
  • \sum_{m=1}^{\mathcal{M}}d_{ist}(x_n^m, x_*^m)
  • \sum_{n=1}^{\mathcal{N}}w_n\cdot x_n^m
  • \sum_{n=1}^{\mathcal{N}}w_n

Publicly verifiable computation

  • \mathsf{Setup}(1^\lambda)\to (pp)

pp=(e, p, G_1, G_2, g, h, H, H'), e:G_1\times G_1 \to G_2, g,h are the generator of the group G_1, H:\{0,1\}^*\to Z_p, H':\{0,1\}^*\to Z_p

  • \mathsf{GenKey(pp)\to (sk, pk)}

sk_n=(\beta_n, \beta'_n, \beta''_n)

pk_n=\{(g^{\beta_n}, h^{\beta_n}, h^{\frac{1}{\beta_n}}), (g^{\beta'_n}, h^{\beta'_n}, h^{\frac{1}{\beta'_n}}), (g^{\beta''_n}, h^{\beta''_n}, h^{\frac{1}{\beta''_n}})\}

  • \mathsf{GenSign}(\hat{x}_n, sk_n)\to \rho_{x_n}

\varphi_\tau = H(\tau) \digamma_\tau = H'(\tau)

randomly choose t_n\in Z_p, sets \mu_n = h^{t_n}

v_n^{(1)} = \beta_n(\varphi_\tau + t_n) \mathsf{mod} p

v_n^{(2)} = \beta'_n(\digamma_\tau + t_n) \mathsf{mod} p

v_n^{(3)} = \beta''_n(\hat{x}_n + t_n) \mathsf{mod} p

\rho_{x_n} = (\mu_n, v_n^{(1)}, v_n^{(2)}, v_n^{(3)})