Review for RTPT'19
[RTPT'19] - RTPT
RTPT: A Framework for Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery on Crowdsensed Data Streams
(Computer Networks)
"Our design is based on the incremental conflict resolution on heterogeneous data, which is very efficient in processing data streams ."
Two limitations:
- dropouts are common for mobile devices
- all prior works are based on traditional truth discovery methods (conduct inefficient iterative procedures)
there is no existing PPTD work that can eliminate these two shortcomings simultaneously.
- explore a robust and scalable PPTD architecture for real-time MCS applications
... we build our security design on incremental conflict resolution on heterogeneous data (ICRH) for its state-of-the-art efficiency performance in our target MCS scenario.
- obtain the truth for sensed objects in the current time period based on the worker's weights learned from historical data
The proposed scheme:
- for real-time PPTD on crowdsensed data streams
- design a new secure summation aggregation protocol
- a constant number of rounds, low communication overhead, fully robustness to clients' dropping out at any point
- only one server
Suppose there are |I| sensing workers and |M| sensed objects. In the t-th time period, the worker i with the weight w_i^t generate a sensing data x_{mi}^t of the object m with her mobile devices.
Threat model:
- honest-but-curious
- protocols under the semi-honest model would present much more efficient implementation than protocols under the malicious adversary model
- the most common malicious attack is that workders maliciously manipulate their sensing data
Truth discovery:
- identify the true information of the same object from noisy data provided by sensing workers with different reliability
- CRH is widely used, but is mostly designed to run on static data sets
Loss Function:
where decay rate \alpha is introduced to accumulate the worker's loss.
ICRH 的设计初衷是为了能处理流数据,在这种情况下用户可以随时加入和退出。值得注意的是,如果当前有用户加入时,该用户提供的数值不计入真值更新 (因为此时新用户没有权重,如果采用初始权重会导致结果不够精确),而是在权重更新是计算出该用户的权重。
如果一个用户只在 t 时刻提交了真值,然后 t+1 时刻退出,那么该用户在整个真值计算中没有发挥任何作用。
Key agreement
Three algorithms:
- \mbox{KA.param}(k) \to (\mathbb{G}, g, q)
- \mbox{KA.gen}(\mathbb{G}, g, q) \to (s^{SK}, s^{PK})
- \mbox{KA.agree}(s_i^{SK}, s_j^{PK}) \to s_{ij}
Secret sharing
\mathcal{T}-out-of-\mathcal{N} secret sharing:
- \mbox{SS.share}(ss_i, \mathcal{T}, \mathcal{I}) \to \{j, ss_{ij}\}_{j\in\mathcal{I}\backslash\{i\}}
- \mbox{SS.recon}((j,ss_{ij})_{j\in\mathcal{I}'}, \mathcal{T}) \to ss_i
Authenticated encryption
- \mbox{AE.enc}(s, m)\to (c, \mathsf{tag})
- \mbox{AE.dec}(s, c, \mathsf{tag}) \to m
The proposed framework design
Secure summation aggregation
Assume public parameters k and threshold value \mathcal{T} of secret sharing
- \mbox{KA.param}(k) \to (\mathcal{G}, g, q)
- \mbox{KA.gen} \to (s_i^{SK}, s_i^{PK})
- \mbox{KA.gen} \to (c_i^{SK}, c_i^{PK})
- send (s_i^{PK} || c_i^{PK}) to the server
Sharing keys and random seeds:
- collect at lease \mathcal{T} messages
- broadcast the received list \{(i, s_i^{PK}, c_i^{PK})\}_{i\in\mathcal{I}_1}
client i:
- sample an additional random r_i^t\in_r Z_q
- share \mbox{SS.share}(r_i^t, \mathcal{T}, \mathcal{I}_1)\to (j, r_{ij}^t)_{j\in\mathcal{I}_1}
- and \mbox{SS.share}(s_i^{SK},\mathcal{T},\mathcal{I}_1)\to (j,s_{ij}^{SK})_{j\in\mathcal{I}_1}
- encrypt them e_{ij}^t \gets \mbox{AE.enc}(\mbox{KA.agree}(c_i^{SK}, c_j^{PK}), i||j, s_{ij}^{SK}||r_{ij}^t) for each other j\in \mathcal{I}_1 \backslash \{i\}
- send \{(i, j ,e_{ij}^t)\}_{j\in\mathcal{I}_1\backslash \{i\}} to the server
- gather lists of encrypted shares from at least \mathcal{T} clients, i.e., \mathcal{I}_2
- send to each client i\in\mathcal{I}_2 all the encrypted shares \{j,i,e_{ji}^t\}_{j\in\mathcal{I}_2\backslash\{i\}} and an random integer f_t\in_r Z_q
用户 i 生成的密文 e_{ij} 的数量为 |\mathcal{I}_1| - 1
Masked inputs collection:
client i:
- receive \{e_{ij}\}_{j\in\mathcal{I}_2}
- copmute s_{ij}\gets \mbox{KA.agree}(s_i^{SK}, s_j^{PK}) for each other client j\in\mathcal{I}_2
- at each time period t