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Review for MSJ17

[MSJ17] - L-PPTD

A Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery Framework for Mobile Crowd Sensing Systems


"... is implemented by involving two non-colluding cloud platforms and adopting additively homomorphic cryptosystem."

Problem Formulation

two types of parties:

  • data requester (an individual or organization)
  • participating workers (a group of mobile device users)


  • semi-honest threat model


  • objects: O=\{o_1,o_2,...,o_M\}
  • workers: U=\{u_1,u_2,...,u_K\}
  • weights: W=\{w_1,w_2,...,w_K\}
  • x_m^k: the sensory data of worker u_k for object o_m
  • goal: calculate the estimated values \{x_m\}_{m=1}^M


truth discovery:

weight estimation:

w_k=f(\sum_{m=1}^{M}d(x_m^k, x_m))

where f is a monotonically decreasing function, d(x_m^k, x_m) is the distance function

truth discovery method CRH:

w_k=log(\frac{\sum_{k'=1}^{K}\sum_{m=1}^{M}d(x_m^{k'}, x_m)}{\sum_{m=1}^M d(x_m^k, x_m)})

truth estimation:


additively homomorphic encryption

\forall m_1,m_2\in \mathcal{M}, E[m_1+m_2]=E[m_1]\oplus E[m_2]
\forall m_3\in \mathcal{M}, E[a\cdot m_3] = a\otimes E[m_3]

L-PPTD Framework

  • S_A, S_B: two cloud platforms
  • S_A, S_B calculate the summed distances without knowing the raw data of each worker
  • each worker will be able to calculate

  1. S_B generates the public key pk and private key sk, sk is only known by S_B
  2. worker u_k generates random numbers \{\alpha_m^k\}_{m=1}^M, \{\beta_m^k\}_{m=1}^M, \gamma_k, perturbs x_m^k as \hat{x}_m^k=x_m^k-\alpha_m^k, uploads \{\hat{x}_m^k\}_{m=1}^M to S_A
  3. each worker uploads all the random numbers to S_B
  4. S_B calculates \{E[\alpha_m^k]\}_{k,m=1}^{K,M}, \{\sum_{k=1}^K\beta_m^k\}_{m=1}^M, \sum_{k=1}^K\gamma_k, sends these three to S_A

For S_A:

calculates ciphertext C_{conti}=\prod_{k=1}^K\prod_{m=1}^M\{E[(\hat{x}_m^k - x_m)^2]\cdot E[\alpha_m^k]^{2(\hat{x}_m^k - x_m)}\}, sends to S_B

For S_B:

decrypt C_{conti} with sk, calculates \sum_{k=1}^K\sum_{m=1}^M(\alpha_{m}^k)^2, obtains \sum_{k=1}^k\sum_{m=1}^M(x_m^k-x_m)^2, sends to u_k

For u_k:

calculates \sum_{m=1}^M d(x_m^k, x_m) and then estimates w_k

sends w_kx_m^k - \beta_m^k and w_k - \gamma_k to S_A

For S_A:

calculates \sum_{k=1}^Kw_kx_m^k=\sum_{k=1}^K(w_kx_m^k - \beta_m^k) + \sum_{k=1}^K\beta_m^k


  • 如何保证用户隐私: 使用随机数
  • S_B 知道所有的随机数,S_A 来更新权重
  • S_AS_B 不共谋
  • S_AS_B 通过同态加密的方式完成真值的估计
  • 用户本地更新权重

问题: 如何保证 user 更新的 w_k 是正确的 (因为 user 是半诚实的?)